Our Programs

Are designed to empower, educate, and inspire participants, fostering positive change and community growth.

Black Parent Support Groups for Families with Disabilities

Our organization is dedicated to providing support and empowerment to Black parents raising children with disabilities through our Black . . . . .

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Advocacy for Black Families and Their Loved Ones with Disabilities

Our advocacy efforts focus on championing the rights, needs, and dignity of Black families and their loved ones with . . . . .

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Black Autism Awareness Network

Through this program, we strive to create a supportive and inclusive environment where individuals with autism and their families . . . . .

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Black Family Engagement Program

The Black Family Engagement Program aims to equip individuals with I/DD delays and their families with the necessary information, . . . . .

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Family Link Program

The Family Link Program focuses on connecting Black families with disabilities aged 3-life, ensuring their engagement, bonding, and access . . . . .

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Kobcinta Aqoonta Dhalaanka (KAD) - Early Childhood Disability Support Program

Kobcinta Aqoonta Dhalaanka (KAD) is dedicated to providing early childhood disability support and services for Black children aged 0-3. . . . . .

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